Wednesday 3 July 2019

It's cool and cloudy again today.  My knitting choices are changing with each sip of coffee.  I mean to knit on my two very nicely progressing tops but it feels more like a wool day.  Maybe a swatching day?

I spent most of my knitting time yesterday working on my shawl. 

My goodness how I love Icelandic wools.  I love how they cling.  I had to sort out a bit of a miscount 4 stitches from the edge and those 4 stitches kept falling off the needle they sat on while I was doing the repair.  They just sat, orderly, tidily waiting till I picked them up as I worked and yanked the repair some rows below.  It is a really great yarn.

I am past the first lace motif and am just starting the second motif and have started tge section where the colours change, which in a lot of ways, is the real magic of this shawl.  

The softly changing colours available in the natural shades of this wool is everything that caught my eye a long time ago.  It took time to assemble the book and the yarn and then to find the time to settle in and knit it.  I am so happy that now is the time.

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