Friday 5 July 2019

A recipe for a good day

I knit yesterday.  I knit a lot.  I didn't do anything else.  I knit till my patience was thin and my head was tight with the beginning of a headache.  I could not get that lace to work out how I wanted it to.  It wasn't the sort of knitting I like to do, fun, creative and fruitful, but it sure was a learning experience. I learned that I do not uite have the ability to get there on my own.

Today I will hit the books.  I have a large reference library and somewhere in there is just what I need.  Or want.

In the meantime, I'm going to swatch for upcoming projects, and I will play with lace shawls in delicious Einband and I will comb more wool.  There will be dek sitting and there will be tea.

It sounds like the recipe for a good day.

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