Monday 3 June 2019

On the Edge

I don't quite understand why, but so often I feel like a spring under tension, waiting.  For something.  I have no idea what I am waiting for.  I wish I did because then I could resolve it. Sitting here waiting to blow isn't quite the way I would like things to be.

I had a plan in place to start something different this week, and I mean to start today.  I am going to card some fibre to spin and while I do that, I was planning to wash some other fibre.  I am going to leave the washing part though, because that may just be an unrealistic expectation.  I have some sewing to do today because none of the sewing was finished last week.  The skirt is today's main task.  In breaks between I will card.

There are things that were resolved so nicely last week that I am using very actively today.  I was in serious need of new seating by my computer.  I had found what I wanted but it took many hoops to sort out shipping with Amazon.   In the end, I had to find an in the city address to ship it to but I now have it an am using it.  It isn't the usual sort of office chair.  I had that and the way my space is set up, doesn't fit a regular chair.  I need something that I can tuck below my desk.  It needed wheels, so I started looking at lab stools, made my way through drummer's thrones, and kind of ended up with a really comfy mechanic's stool that is the perfect answer to a rather odd quest for something that will comfortably support me and will hold the height I set it to and will roll around less intrusively than my former chair.  The kids torture tested it this weekend.  It will hold!

And that is pretty much it from Chez Needles today.  Unless the spring is sprung or the pressure blows.  

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