Tuesday 13 February 2018

On sleeves and close to done.

I don't know about anybody else, but I have been watching a lot of Olympic coverage.  More than in many years.  Well except for that bit in the day where CBC plays Coronation Street.  Which makes me laugh and laugh.  It is just so right.

Andyway, there isn't anything better for knitting than a lot of winter sports.  There is always lots of downtime that commentators have to fill so it feels like 30 seconds of serious tv watching and then 3 minutes of knitting and repeat.

Sleeve one is getting very close to complete.

Sleeve two will be under way tomorrow and if I work it just right, maybe done by this weekend?  Maybe?

I always planned on doing some of the colour at the cuffs, and I think I am going to repeat 3 rounds of the banding, just like on the yoke.  For no particular reason that I think it will be just the right kind of punch I am looking for.

Now that one sleeve is pretty much on, you can get a real feel for this sweater and let me tell you, it is going to be grand.  It has just the right amount of flow in the body of the sweater and it looks just about perfect.

So plenty to look forward to and time to seriously start planning the next sweater.

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