Wednesday 25 October 2017

Sensing a Theme

A while ago, I did an order from Iceland for some Einband.  I felt it would be the perfect yarn for a shawl that captivates me, the Courant.  I choose the colours a colour cards for Einband.  That deep rich teal and that mustardy acid green.  I adore the combination.  

I found that same combination last time I was in Saskatoon at Prairie Lily, this time in a light delicate Fine Silk from Rowan.  No idea what I will use it for but I sure do love the yarn.

So, when I went to Edmonton's newest yarn store, The Fibre Nook,  for the first time, and saw from across the room, that self same acid green and just below it, 2 different shades of teal, you know where I went. 

The yarn is Highlander from Diamond Yarns Diamond Luxury line.   I think it is going to be a great colour work yarn.  It feels as if it has just the right grabbiness for easy stranding. 

It's a lovely little store, with a current focus on hand dyes.  There is a little something for everyone, for sock knitters, a good kids line up of yarns, my favourite Pima Lino Lace, a good basic worsted, and some really lovely and rarely seen pure mohair,  Pure Superkid Mohair from Diamond Luxury.  It was very very hard to leave this stuff behind.  The colours and sheen were so striking.  The substance of it in hand.  There is something unique about pure mohair yarns. It is richness in every way.  Next time.

And that is how you know a yarn store strikes the right notes with you.  When before you leave you are planning your next trip and the one after that.  It was a lovely pit stop and I really wish them well. 

Edmonton was down to just one store, with one other full yarn store in the metro area, and seriously, this many knitters, 2 is hardly enough.  There are a few other shops out there that do carry some yarn, but only these two that are dedicated to it. There are so many lines of yarn out there and so many many knitters.  We sure could use a broader exposure to more of the market.  No one store can do it all.

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