Monday 2 October 2017


I am going to get knitting out of the way first this morning.  Interesting knitting the last couple days but I am pretty darn happy with the way this is going.  

Today I hope to finish up the lining of the hat.  I've been debating what I was going to use for lining, waiting to see what the size of the hat would accommodate.  What I really want to do though, is just use up what I have out.  There is plenty of the Gradient left and lots of the white too.  I will go stripey inside, and will simply knit with fewer stitches.  

I would actually rather be knitting on the shawl, but that is going to have to wait a day.  It snowed last night and I was reminded yesterday that by Thanksgiving last year, we had snow that stayed.  So, hat first.

So with knitting out of the way, I have to tell you that my granddaughter Cassie is 5.  How could that possibly happen?  So fast I mean.  Where do the days all run to? 

From her first moment, I have been head over heels in love with her,

and I don't see that changing at all in my lifetime, nor in hers.

Superhero or princess

Always my sweet Cassandra.  Happy Birthday!

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