Tuesday 27 September 2011

A Simple Thing

When you finish a project from the WIP pile, surely you ought to be able to cast on anything you want without feeling like you are not following your plan.  

I did.  Cast on that is.

A nice faded jeans looking blue gray Briggs and Little for Mr Needles.  Guys are so easy to knit for.  Find some yarn and a simple idea.  Knit straight till the arms  Make neck and sleeves. Cast off. Easy.  

I cast this on because Ecuador isn't going to work out for the yarn I choose.  I am not tied to the pattern but I am tied to the yarn.  I love my Zauberball Chocolate.  Its just too pretty to use on a project I am not sure of, and Ecuadors wedges would defeat the marvelous soft blending of colours, which is the prime attraction of the yarn.  I must think on this some more.

I'll think while I knit on the simple guy thing.  I'll also be thinking about that WIP basket.  I might just pick another something out of there for a little spice as a break from the simple knitting of the sweater.

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