Wednesday 1 November 2023

And here we are, a new pair of socks.

I am so pleased with these.  There is just nothing like hand knit socks.  All day I planned to put them on this morning, but I left them in the living room last night. It's to chilly to be without socks even for a minute.  Tomorrow will be a new sock day instead.

While I was preparing to take the photo I had to search long and hard for my sock forms.  They are usually kicking around somewhere, tucked into the WIPs bin, tucked in a project bag, laying on the side table.  They have always been rather benign and not bothersome exactly because of their flat plastic placemat origin.  So they stayed.  A couple weeks ago, in an effort to live a life less piled up, I put them away, where I could easily find them.  Ha. I did find one in my needle case, which is a perfectly sensible place to store them, along with my mitten forms.  I still haven't located the second sock form.  

I pulled out all my sock projects while I was searching to have a good look to see if there are any other pairs that need only a few days of work till completion. Because I was getting frustrated by not finding the sock form, I grabbed a sock and knit a few rounds on it. 

It wasn't really what I wanted to do.  It was lovely to work with though.  The yarn is from Biscotte yarns.  I have no idea what the clour name is.  The ball band is lost.  (Are you sensing a running theme?)

The rest of yesterdays knitting time was spent working on Carter's Secret Blanket.

I have just broken into the second ball of grey so I can very confidently say I have plenty of yarn.  I have double what I need in fact. The blanket is at about 30 inches long just at finishing the third blue stripe. I measured the first stripe and the two grey sections and they are 20 inches, so my plan is to knit that much more.  50 x 45 ish will be a perfect blanket size for a growing boy. 

I will be working in the sewing room today, not sewing, sadly, but doing a bit of maintenance (putting away).  Yeah that's what I will call it.  Maintenance.  

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