Friday 27 October 2023


I thought a quarter of the edging a day was all I could do.  Ha.  I was surprised when I looked at it at the end of the day.

I stopped about suppertime.  I thought about doing more and my hands felt like they could do it, but my head said no.  Keeping knitting when I knew I ought to stop is how I got in trouble before and I just don't want to start that all up again. 

The really interesting part of it is that this barely begins to cover what I did yesterday.  All the knitting was between knitting.  Between knitting is knitting between big chores of the day.  Yesterday was baking day.  There was a substantial bit where I was in the kitchen but there were all these bits while things were in the oven or where the dates were cooling, where I could stop, have a cup of tea and knit.  And so I did.

At the end of the day, there was all the knitting but there was also buns, a date loaf, and apricot loaf and a pumpkin or rather sweet potato pie.  

In the nature of a public service announcement: I am listening to/reading  the PG Wodehouse Volume 1: the Jeeves Collection , a collection of PG Wodehouse stories narrated by Stephen Fry.  I love Fry as a narrator.  His narration of his book 'Mythos' is superb and that is what led me to Wodehouse.  And I am so glad it did.  These are silly stories, farcical in that inimitable British way. Not a novel, but very well worth a listen if you love language and silliness. 

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