Wednesday 1 February 2023

Forever my LYS.

 Somewhere in the last couple of days, I managed to cut out a shirt pattern.  The fabric I used was another light weight summer cotton, with a deep navy background and leaves in green and cream.  I have a dress that I sewed last summer in a very similar fabric.  

It is the most wonderful  fabric with a colour that really looks awful on me. It is too orange of a yellow.  I did get some positive comments when I was in hospital late last year.  Some of the ladies really admired the colour.  I was wearing it in place of a bathrobe, which I do not have and the dress suits the role perfectly.   It is light but easy to put on and long enough to cover fully.  I don't often wear it as a dress.  I have high hopes for the navy version though it is a blouse, not a dress.
I cut the other day.  Today I sewed all the way to sleeve time. That means this very nice  burrito roll yoke, the collar and the interfacings was all part of todays work.

I wanted to do more but you know how it is when all of a sudden, you know if you go one step farther, you are going to mess up something fierce?  It was only 11 a.m. but I knew it was time to stop there and leave the sleeves for tomorrow.  My eyes were tired and I just had the strongest feeling I was going to mess up.  

So it was time to invent a little something more to do.  I caught  up on knitting blogs and videos and worked on another Zoom Loom square.  I had one almost done in a half an hour.  These go fast.  It would be so easy to keep going but I had to stop lest I do too much and hurt my hand.  

I also heard that my favourite yarn store is changing.  River City Yarns .  Sigh.  They have meant so much to me that it is hard to explain.  They took me on when I desperately needed someone to believe in me that wasn't family and that wasn't someone anyone I knew had a connection with.  They took me on when I had only been knitting for a few months and trusted me and I will forever be grateful that they believed in me.  I came to believe in myself again.  Nothing that happened in my life since then would have been bearable without that.   They are closing the brick and mortar store and will be selling off all their stock.  I think they are going to keep on with other aspects of being knitting professionals but I am really going to miss their store.  I wish them well, whatever they chose to do and wherever they want to be.  I will always 💖 you River City Yarns.  Forever my LYS.

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