Thursday 19 January 2023

Just hanging around

Still no knitting but getting ever closer.  I have been doing a lot of things around the house but none of it is knitting.  Sigh.  And if you think this is not driving me nutty, you would be wrong.  

Today I sorted out material for what I want to sew over the next few months.  I did not manage any sewing at all in the fall so I am a bit behind.  At the same time, the extra time has refined what I want to sew and what I want my woven clothing to be and how I want it to function.  I have a better idea of what I want certain pieces of fabric to be when they are done.   I have really clearly made up my mind as to the slightly longer back of shirts, the better to tuck them in and have them stay tucked in. I need this to keep me warmer.  I also cleared up which fabric types I want as little flowy tops and which need to be shirts or skirts and dresses.  

I also know that I need to sew a variation on my pencil pants that will function as proper leggings to wear in winter.  I just hate being cold and nobody makes long underwear to fit me.  I have thought of knitting them, I have lots of yarn, but the time it would take to do that is not something I want to think about.  Sewing them is the most sensible option and I have some plain knit t-shirt material to make them.

That time has also cleared up a small problem that seems to be arising from all the sewing.  Scraps.  There are enough small pieces of fabric, pieces that are large enough to do something with but I did not know what.  For years I had planned making project bags with whatever sewing scraps I had but my need was more urgent and I purchased bags. There are pieces that will probably be sewn into bags, but the vast majority will be put into a scrap happy duvet cover.  I have a couple blankets around that really ought to be consigned to the very well worn pile and if I put them together and under an interesting cover,  they just might do.  

I'm not going to go crazy mind you.  If the blanket idea doesn't work out, then I will just put the crazy tops onto a fleece backing and sew here and there across and call it good.  It might be a good idea for kid blankets, though my kids are rapidly getting old enough not to want to cuddle so much.  And yet, everybody needs a good blanket, don't they?   I can donate them too.  There is always a need for warm blankets.

My hand is getting better , just more slowly than I want.  Oh well.  I would rather look forward to knitting soon, that to start knitting before it is healed and face an even more brutal time away from knitting.  

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