Thursday 22 September 2022

Merry Middles

The merry middle.  

That old children's story, Piggy in the Puddle has been running through my head for the last few days.  Everything I am knitting is in the middle.  And I do mean everything. Looking at my Ravelry projects page, it isn't absolutely true.  There are quite a few things that are just started, and one thing that is almost done, but most of the things are in the middle.  Even my socks, all 9 pairs of them are middle, some on the first sock, some on the second but in a middle.  

It could get me down but I don't really mind middles.  Middles are where the cool things really start to show.  Middles are where a project starts displaying itself in its glory.  Like this.

The inside of the pocket is just long enough to show the flash of colour that I was hoping for.  

Today, middles are pretty great.  Today middles are inspiring.  Today middles are very satisfying.  

This is a very merry middle indeed.

Psst, if you need a really great kids book for your little ones, here is a link. Piggy in the Puddle by Charlotte-Pomerantz 

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