Saturday 1 January 2022

The perfect way to start.

This was the last thing completed in the old year.  It always makes me feel warm and cozy inside when socks come back to mark significant things in life.  They are so ordinary so regular, so routine that they are a reminder that even as the big days and special holidays flow through our life, it is all the little ordinary things that really make a filled and wonderful life.

And this is the new thing for this year.  I started it with my birthday yarn, a mashup of Romy and Undercurrent.  The spirit will be Undercurrent with it's wide open 'should have been a hood' collar and it's two row striping but its construction will be Romy with it's knit on collar and buttonbands and its contiguous shoulders.  

I am not a hundred percent sure it will be a cardigan though.  There are a lot of reasons to join the front bands together right around the depth of the sleeves.  Pullovers end up being the sweaters I wear most and where there were once cardigans in my wardrobe, all but one,  they are now pullovers. I simply like them better that way.  

I am having a marvelous time knitting and am going right back to that after I finish here.  There is a special coffee with my name on it waiting and a good book too.  It is the perfect way to spend the first day of the year.

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