Tuesday 16 November 2021

Over the weekend, I gave myself a break and knitted on my Starting Point shawl.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  The colours.  Sigh.

Up to now, everything has been according to pattern, but right here, as I was adding colour 4, I realized there was a problem.  Colour 4 was much too close to the colour preceding it to make things look right.  Contrary to the pattern, I decided to go for the mix of colours of colour 3.  

You can see the multi colour three followed by colour one, which divides in this chevron section.  

Next colour up is the dark blue Misti Alpaca Suri teal, perfectly just a shade darker, and looking very proper if I do say so myself.  You can't see it here because everything is sort of curled at the cable.   Next week perhaps.

First thing I did monday morning was to tuck this pretty bowl of blues and greens and purple into a bag

and tuck it over on the table, lest it lead me down the garden path.   I know where the pretties live, but it is much easier to behave if it is put firmly away. It's monkey time, and because I have left it so late, first things first.  Monkey me.

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

Glorious colours close together or not.