Tuesday 25 August 2020

Lovely knitting

Moving right along here, I took the day to just knit.  After this summers hand issues, this is a kind of relief to be able to do that without a lot of fuss.  I am making sure to do my hand excersizes on both hands and to vary the workout!  I know.  That sounds odd but I have some new tools.

A while ago I purchased a powerball and I reallly like that.  It gives my hand to build muscles and motion in the opposite direction to what i gain from knitting.  That balance seems to be important in keeping everything working well. Recently I picked up a set of these.

I have only had them about a week so I don't see the benefits yet, but they will come in time.  

Meansile, I knit.  I made it past the second section of little dots.  The pattern has three but I have to play games with my yarn colours.  I will have two sections and start the stripes a bit earlier so that I can save enough of my black for three good sections of dots in the solid red near the end of the shawl and have enough of the black to finish off as well.  It doesn't take huge amounts right now to knit this detail, but by the time I get to the end of the shawl, it will take much much more.  

I love knitting stripes so this will feel fast.  The black and grey stripes continue till the grey is almost gone.  I am thinking about  going grey black red for a few repeats before going solidly into the red and black section.  There is time before I must think about that.

I won't be knitting all day today.  I have some chores to do and there is some sewing waiting.  I hit the no clean  pants time when the kids were here so the need is no longer just an in case thing.  It is real and it is now.  I must sew.

I plan to get the patterns for leggings and pants set up today and to get the fabric out for the inaugural versions of both.  I have been waffling about fabric choices you see.  I don't want to waste the fabric but with a new pattern, particularly pants, there is always going to be a bit of bravery involved.  I could do a muslin, but muslin costs too and I have tons of fabric on hand.  

So blind belief in my ability to measure myself correctly and my skills will be the order of the day.  That is not a bad thing is it?

In spain

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

LOL. BLind belief comes with our age, I think.