Thursday 16 April 2020

Far Enough

I managed to take the green top far enough that I can put some dpns in to hold it together so you can see where this is going.  Finally.  This is one of the reasons that I like knitting top down and without seams better.  You can see where you are going so much faster when it is all together, and the most important part for fit, is out of the way at the start.

Pieces and sewing notwithstanding, I love the way this is going and I am pretty much over the moon about it.

It is very very simple, but quite striking.  I love the neckline, but I am glad I made the choice to fill in the back neck.  It will be so much more wearable for me in my mundane life.  As I was starting this knit, I debated about how fancy it is.  

It is the sort of top that could be anything, but in these yarns, it is a top that is more than office worthy.  With a nice skirt is is very very take me out somewhere fancy worthy.   But I don't live that kind of life anymore.  As I was getting ready to knit this, I did ask myself if I would wear this regularly at home or if I was kind of wasting my time.  Just like saving the good dishes, knitting something and not wearing is is kind of a shame and wasteful.  I had to be sure I would wear it regularly before I began.  I am and I will. It will make sitting on the drive knitting this summer the kind of thing I will do with a glass of wine, nay champagne even, rather than my regular coffee. Even if all I am knitting is dishcloths at the time.  Might even weird out the neighbours.

I am completely struck at this unexpected spurt of spring fever project monogamy.  I have no idea how or why I am doing this.  I usually knit all  over the place but these spring tops have driven me to complete them.  I wasn't sure about this one.  I thought it would be put aside under the spell of the yarn for the Elton sweater.     

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Elton is sitting there, looking quite splendid, never out of sight. I want with everything that I am, to knit on that sweater but I want this one done first.  It is almost as if I can't enjoy Elton's delicious yarns if I don't get this finished first.  

Self, just who are you and what have you done with your regular operator?  

Anyway, pretty yarn pictures will only take me so far.  Today's plan is to get my guest room/weaving studio sorted out.  It's been in limbo pending a place to bash out what needs bashing.  The place is here, the time is now.  Busy day ahead.

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