Monday 9 December 2019

Draggy Butt

Draggy butt.  Forgive the mild 'language' but that is exactly how I feel this morning.  I woke at 8.  Not quite sure what this world is coming to, but 8?  More than once in a blue moon?  The day is already half done.  Most people would find it harder to go to bed in the evening but not me.  I seem to hit the hay about my usual time.  But it does mean coffee is later, knitting is later, feeling alert is later, writing is later. I am a little concerned that my medication is also later, but to set an alarm just to wake up for medicine?  Inconceivable. I would rather just get up and shift it all a couple hours later.

I did pick up my knitting with my coffee this morning.  After a busy weekend making cookies and decorating them with kids and surprising birthday party boys, it is kind of nice to sit quiet and do something so peaceful. 

The really thrilling part is that I am only a day away from the ribbing.

I am measuring a day by sections on this sweater.  I could complete a garter stripe and get to the next one comfortably in a day.  I just finished the last garter stripe section and will be knitting a stockinette middle just as before but then comes the ribbing.  I know that a repeat gives me just a wee bit under two inches, so there is two more inches of stockinette and then a likely two inches of ribbing for balance.  Or at least 2 inches of ribbing.  Might be more.  So I can pretty comfortably say I am a day away from the ribbing.

When I started this sweater, I had a quilt that I wanted tied before December 1.  Sadly, the quilt is still sitting there waiting.  I do need it, need not want before Christmas.  I have to get on that this week.

This week is going to be decorating the house and quilt tying.  Honest.  And one day to knit.  And babysitting.  I get to play with my kiddies again! 

So today I may be feeling a bit draggy butt but I am going to forgive myself and just relax, knit, have a nap and rest.  Time to do all the rest of it later.

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