Friday 1 November 2019

Yup.  There are things you cannot escape from.  Some of them, like ripping back a sweater are small even if in the moment they feel huge. It isn't fun but if you do it,it is so much better.  

Some of them, like my computer going toes up, are like the sting of a wasp.  It hurts like heck but in a week or two, it will be resolved.  I am going to get a moderately priced laptop to replace the desktop.  The desktop was Brian's and became mine so when my little lappy's wifi died and could not be replaced, it became my primary,  but it was something to work around.  A new little laptop will be a much better fit.     

 And then there are some things where you just want to pull the blankets over your head and hide forever. But even this, even this, you crawl out and do because there really isn't any other way.  

People I care about are in that last bunch today. They are close and the three of them will lean on each other till it feels right to stand alone.  Me?  I will be like a windbreak, standing just on the edge, being there for when they need a little shade or a place to find shelter.  

1 comment:

Christine said...

Thank you for building the flowers that Scott bought for you! I was hoping you would. And thank you for all your support and advice too.