Monday 22 July 2019

I have a radio

I have a radio.

I know that this isn't earth shaking for the vast majority of you but it is for me.  My first job after highschool, I bought a fancy stereo and kind of inherited my brother's radio receiver.  That was my radio for years, until my kids fried the whole unit in their teenage years.  We watched tv news in the morning so radio was something we didn't miss and later, we could get radio channels via tv.  We have satellite tv here but the company no longer includes Canadian radio, so I have been without, other than my car.  

But there are times when I really would like to listen to the radio.  Saturday Afternoon at the Opera.  Tom Allen's show, wherever he is on the clock and whatever he is playing.  Sunday morning on CKUA.  

I have that freedom now and it is good.   It doesn't mean anything to anybody, but to me and it is life changing.  My daytime routine is completely different effortlessly.

Last week getting groceries, I crunched my little finger in carts and I think I may have done some damage.  It has ached on moving and been swollen since.  There hasn't been a lot of knitting.  My baby finger isn't an active participant in my knitting, but it does move.  It hurts.

I have been thinking about so many things though.  I have pulled out lace books, and thought about yarns, cruising Ravelry to see what others have done with a particular yarn.  I have thought about what to make with my lovey cotton cones.

I think I know now.  The idea of it makes me smile. It could be rather silly and yet, I want it.

I have been sorting out what to do with my new silk.  

I have been sorting out what to do with my other silk, which is really great, but not that one.  I was thinking of the giant red cone that apparently isn't in my stash and that I have no photo of.  But it is in the stash all 2400 metres of red silk gorgeousness. 

I've also been mulling about my Palette yarn.  It has been close to going in the garage sale, missing both times because of what if.  This year, because it has a really great range of greens and browns and when I knit and embroider my wee garden for my miniature rooms, it may be needed. And with the chance of me having another garage sale being pretty small,  I have to think about what to do with it besides the small stuff.  It was bought for colourwork and it is time to sort out what colourwork I want to do with it. Mittens?  Hats?  Sweaters?

I've been mulling over all the other yarn too.  Don't worry.  It isn't lonely at all.  I wish there were more hours in the day to knit or mull.

I look at my traditional knitting books, and read the of the ways things were done.  I think about adapting techniques and bringing them up to how I do it now, or knitting an entire thing their way and sorting out what yarn I will use to get the result I want.

It's kind of nice to have an enforced break though at this rate my yellow top will be done in September, not July. Oh well. So it goes.  I have always thought I ought to be knitting off season so that my sweaters would be ready for what is upcoming anyway.  Maybe the way to do it is too be so late with summer things that it takes till next year to get them done!  I will be so behind I am ahead!

And that is it for me.  Another cup of coffee and possibly a bit of a dig in the yarn closet.  Or the display cabinet?  I really ought to get a photo of that red cone.  And some inspiration.    

I have a radio. I have yarn.  I have good books.  They may seem like very little things if your idea of a full life is about travel and a constant stream of new places and new things.  Mine isn't.  Mine is smaller.  Closer to home.  Inside my head.  In this moment in time, my life is full.  I am rich in a thousand ways.  These little inconsequential things are very big and and that is pretty darn grand.


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