Tuesday 18 June 2019

To Spin!

Song for the Spinning Wheel
William Wordsworth (1770–1850)
Founded upon a Belief Prevalent among the Pastoral Vales of Westmoreland

SWIFTLY turn the murmuring wheel!
Night has brought the welcome hour,
When the weary fingers feel
Help, as if from faery power;
Dewy night o’ershades the ground;        5
Turn the swift wheel round and round!
Now, beneath the starry sky,
Couch the widely-scattered sheep;—
Ply the pleasant labor, ply!
For the spindle, while they sleep,        10
Runs with speed more smooth and fine,
Gathering up a trustier line.
Short-lived likings may be bred
By a glance from fickle eyes;
But true love is like the thread        15
Which the kindly wool supplies,
When the flocks are all at rest
Sleeping on the mountain’s breast.

Such beauty on the wheel above.  That is Christine plying two wool singles together at light speed.  What a lovely way to start the day, though judging by Wordsworth's poem, I ought to be spinning in the evening.

The very first thing I did this morning was to put my newest tool to work to see if it would do what I really wanted it to do.

Yes indeed it did and a far better job too, than I could have imagined with no practise. I had to stop and redo pigtail bits only twice.  An unexpected plus was this bobbin held the entire Victoria bobbin worth of singles!  I wasn't expecting that at all.  The proof will be seeing if the much much more smoothly loaded bobbin helps me with my plying woes.

Then off to spinning.  I dug out a braid of Colour Adventures Falkland in the George colourway.

It is a wonderful soft play on rich blue.  Very pretty.

I am rapidly reaching the bottom of my pre dyed fibre.  I  have so much natural colour fibre that I want to spin up before I purchase more just for the colours.  So many textures, so many varieties, so much interesting fibre.  To say nothing of the fleece!   I guess if I want colours, I will have to take the time to do that too.

Also, darn. I really wanted to see this tea cozy and forgot to ask after it.  It is just so adorable.  Well darn.  

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