Tuesday 5 February 2019


It is brutally cold this morning.  -43 when I got up.  It has risen to a balmy -32 C now.  Ha. It has only been this cold a handful of times in my life.  It is ŕare.  I hope it remains so.

On the upside I am a wool   person and I have swathed me in it today. And I am continuing to work on keeping me cozy and warm.  Sock knitting continues.

 I've knit on all 4 socks that I have with me.  I suppose it would havd made more sense to work on only one.  I would have been close to finished a sock if I had.  There always seems to be a reason to have more than one on the go though.  

For instance, first thing in the morning and a fuzzy head?  Plain knitting is required.  

Most of the work on these was early morning.  There was a bit done on the blue one yesterday after lunch when I normally have a nap.  The bright colours contrasting with dark green and blue helped keep me alert and awake.

The Gridiron socks are coming along wonderfully. 

Not too much more knitting before I get to do the patterning right around the foot.  And then just a bit more to the ribbing.  Once the sock is completed to match sock One, I will move on and make mom's wristwarmers.  Once that is done I think I will make the socks a bit longer.  If dad wears them or my brother, the longest possible cuff will please them.  I am positive that is one of the reasons this splendid sock yarn comes in its very generous hanks.  

I got a fair bit done on my other slip stitch pattern socks too.  

I really am enjoying the Geek socks again.  This isn't  quite the perfect colourway for Geek socks.  The red is a bit long and the turquoise line in the softer blue zone isn't  ling enough.  Still I am really enjoying the pretty knit.

One way or another, my sock output for early this year is going to beat the sock out put from early last year for sure.  One sock  beats that total so it's not much of a contest. 

For now my services are in demand.  Grandma is needed to fill the Ice cream cones. 

 It looks like Marcus is saying bleach but in all seriousness he is taking a very big lick of his yarn cone.  Bleh comes later 

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