Wednesday 5 December 2018

I am really struggling to find the time to write my blog.  In the past, I have often done it while I am out, but I really want to avoid that if I can this time.  It leaves me 2 choices.  Early early morning and a rush or evenings when I am wiped out mentally.

But life will happen and I am knitting rather a lot, a huge plus to all of this.

Grandkids are little so short  time, and I am very lucky that I live close to mine.  I have made my life be that I am in driving distance.  I am farther from one set than the other but both are in easy driving distance, and hour and a hour and ten minutes away.  Still,I miss so much about them that when I get to see them like this, all in huge chunks of time, I treasure it.

Granny is still looking forward to the return of her own life and the rhythms of a day that is just her own.  

A very forgiving Uncle Keith from last weekend. 

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