Friday 1 December 2017

Moving Right along

There is a steady stream of gifting being completed here, right along with knitting things.  Some of the big things are being studiously avoided, but a lot of the smaller things are getting done.  In very short order, it will be time to set up a tree and wrap presents. Because right now, things are starting to feel a little bit rabbit warrenish. 

I have been working on small embroideries in the daylight hours for the towel project I started which was mentioned earlier this year when I set out my strategy for Christmas.  You have seen one of the birdies before as I rested my hand.  

In this house, with it's light coloured, reflective, hard surface flooring and large windows there is a feeling of so much light and brightness that I can embroider as much as I want, if I do it in the middle of the day.  My eyes have been able to keep focus better in the higher, brighter lit room.  I have been working my wee birdies between 10 and 3.  

I did try doing some after 3, but the sun is low enough that the light is just not quite as intense.  I did birdie number two on this towel one day and did the balloons floating away the next morning.  By sticking with embroidery through the middle of the day, I also got this done on towel number two.

One more day for this towel set of towels , with two embroidered in a vintage modern way, on vintage linen will be complete.  One set remains.

I might not be able to embroider every day.  There are some pretty dim cloudy days and winter does have its storm days too, but I am so happy to have even the smallest bit of embroidery back in my life again and I am very encouraged that an embroidery project I am planning for after Christmas will work out.

And it still leaves plenty of time to knit.  Yesterday morning, with that very nice gray toque completed, and time on my hands, I started this.

And in a very few more minutes this morning, I worked to here.

The hat has quite a ways to go, but I have a couple hours each morning and if I can save knitting for later in the day too, well, that pretty much makes my week, maybe even my whole winter.  

Today is going to be a knitting day.  I am off to play with Cassie and Marcus and this knitting is going with me.  There are some socks coming with me too, so there might be all kinds of progress on all sorts of fronts.  

Simply put, it's a good day to be doing.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Those birds are SO cute. I just love them.