Monday 30 October 2017

What do people who don't knit do?

No seriously.  I am struggling with this this week.  I did not knit a stitch this weekend other than 2 rows on that very light lace and my hand is feeling quite a bit better.  I am going to stay off knitting for a couple more days and with a little luck, whatever is bugging my hand will resolve itself.  

It isn't a lot of fun, and it isn't easy, but it is here and that is that.  I had to watch TV and not knit.  I don't think I ever just watched a show.  Well, not much anyway.  I always had books, or something in my hand to do, embroidery, lacework, sewing besides TV watching.  If this goies on much longer, I will have redeveloped the art.

I was driving myself batty, so I decided to wind yarn.  It is something I can set up to do using only my left hand.  And wind I did.    

Yarn for a very pretty sweater I am obsessing over.  That isn't quite done, being at the end of my winding.  I still have 7 skeins left to go.

I also wound up yarn for a project I need to finish before Christmas.

I know when I bought it , it was to be a cowl, but I honestly think it may be fingerless gloves, with a mitten top for when it is cold.  I'm not a hundred percent sure of the honeygold brown, but it is striking.  If it is the right yarn for with the rich greens, time will tell. 

And then one for me, just for fun.  First Point of Libra by Laura Aylor.   

Rich Warm greys in River City Yarns Semi Solid Series and a gorgeous gradient set form Sweet Georgia's Tough Love Sock in the Wildfire gradient.  I am so looking forward to knitting the shawl.  I love this gradient to bits.

I tried doing some spinning, and I tried some embroidery, and thought about weaving, but all of these things are going to stress the exact same part of my hand.  All my things will have to wait.

But mostly today, I am just tired.  My sweet Marcus and Cassie were here and Marcus had trouble going to sleep and staying asleep.  He started getting lonely for mommy and daddy and Daisy Kitty, and all the rest of his Paw Patrol friends (He only had his Chase stuffie with him).  He would doze off and then jerk awake and so on.  Till 3 in the morning.  It was a back to work day after a weekend, so I had to keep Marcus quiet, so Marcus and I danced around going to sleep until I told him he could do whatever he wanted to, but he couldn't get off my bed.  He was disgusted with me and flopped on his back with great drama, and then in the space of a heartbeat, fell soundly asleep.  I tucked him in and slept very soundly myself till 6 a.m.  When he woke up. 

 So today, instead of anything else, I am having a nap.  A really good nap.

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