Tuesday 25 July 2017

The Knitting of the Blog

Yes indeed there is knitting on this blog.  There is more knitting than anything else in this household if not on the blog, because knitting is really what I do and do best.  All this other stuff is fun and so I have something to do when my hands are worn out.

Part One:

The sweater is now long enough that I have to start really thinking about how I am going to get the remainder of the increases in without messing up the way this garment hangs off the shoulders.  I write this pre try on.

Wish me luck.

The really positive side is piled high.  I love, love, love the colour of the yarn. In the skein it shows much more spot here, spot there of the darker colour.  I wasn't sure how it would look but oh how I do love it.  It is a really pretty but not solidly gray gray blue. I love the feel of the yarn through my hands.  I love less that there is a lot of knitting to go, but oh well, it just means there is more time to love it all before I wear it.

The best part of all, is that I knew may hands would be knitting tight and fast and I made a very concious effort to stay calm.  By forcing my hands to be busy and slow, I think I calmed from the excitement/boredom/terror/exhilaration of the long warping process much faster than if I had done anything else.  Knitting.  My meditation.

Part Two:

Socks complete but for the heel.  A couple more pairs and it will be a heel and toe day time. No rush though.  I have plenty of still good socks ready and waiting wearing in the drawer.  In fact, if I finish too many too fast, the drawer will overflow.

You can see my choice with the black.  The second sock is topped with Kroy in black and it, plus a few wonky bits and catchy fibres made it much wider than the first.  Still once they are worn, they will look pretty much the same.

Part three:

Another sock.  When I woke this morning, I had time on my hands and  the closest thing to me was the bag of ends.  I took out some more yarn, yarns that didn't seem to go with anything else in the bag.  And I am working it together just 7 or so rows at a time.

My monitor is making this look really blue but that blue is really the dullest of grays, or to be precise, 3 different skeins of grays. I think they must be from Brian's socks.  There is a bit of purple and at the very bottom is some teal but they barely hold their own over the gray.  Still they are knitting quick and with this second pair, my bag of yarn bits and ends is sinking fast. Still can't quite close the lid, but it is getting there.

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