Tuesday 30 September 2014

Lunchtime Knitting and Great Yarn.

Though I am knitting to beat 90 on hats and sweaters, at lunchtime, I am working on something else.  

I have an hour and there isn't a lot to do at the office other than work.  I don't like to Ravel from the work computer and my ability to enjoy stuff on my phone is limited by the size of the screen.  And I have a really large screen.  (Samsung Galaxy Mega)

Anyway, I use the time more productively to knit.

My shawl is coming along beautifully.  I am nearing the end of the first ball of yarn so last night, I decided to wind up ball 2.

I held that hank of Adam and Eve in my hands and just played with it a while.  It just flows like water in the hank.  Only not cool, but warm and encompassing.  The drape of this yarn is just superb. 

I know this about this yarn and yet for just a minute, I stopped and just revelled in the pure, simple pleasure of it.  I had to play with it, just flipping it through my fingers, running it over the back of my hands and my arms.  In the rush of ordinary living, I had almost forgotten how fantastic some of these yarns I have, are.

There is always more good stuff on the horizon, but it pays to remember the wonderful things I have in my stash.  It pays to shop there.  its a pretty darn fantastic stash.

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