Tuesday 24 January 2012

Time and knitting

When I was a kid I recall feeling like that last month of school took forever.  Christmas felt like it would never arrive.  When I was a kid, time moved so slowly and the more you were waiting for something, the slower time moved.

It changes when you get a little older.  According to my mom, the older you get the faster time goes.  I am sure she is right but I think I am appalled.

If time moves any faster than it is now, there will hardly be time for me to wake up and say what happened to January.  

Logic and rational grownup behaviour says that time is moving the same as it always has.  Memory tells me exactly what I have done in the past few weeks and yet, there is the inescapable feeling when I look at the calendar, that I missed something, that some part of the month went astray.

When I sat down at my desk yesterday, that is what I felt. January 23 and not a single completed piece of knitting.  Not a sock, not a mitt, not a shawl or even the sweater that I must redo - the one I did not finish for Christmas.  I didn't even look at that sweater all month.  

I enjoy that little Knit Meter widget on my sidebar.  Its fun to see how far I have traveled with my hands.  But this point, before I finished anything, where there are no completed projects sitting listed on it for the year -  I hate that.  "I have knit 0 metres this year"  I fear it is mocking me.  

I knit a lot in January and I have had a very good time, but it is going to take a lot of work to finish anything before months end.  That is going to be my goal for January.  To just finish one thing.  One anything.   And that is the January goal.

And then maybe the knit meter will be it's usual fun self.

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

I napplaud you - you have a goal! More than I can say.