And I did. Complete something, that is. I completed the little green scarf. And I can tell you that there will be more mohair in my future.
I love this wee workshop pattern for its delicate band of sparkle as it hangs so gently round my neck. And I am thrilled to say, Holli has the pattern available for sale (though it isn't up on her website yet. If you are interested, send her an email or contact her on Ravelry) The ends are just a little decorative flash to whatever very staid and conservative outfit you might wear. My kind of knitting. I'm really pleased and I can see all kind of possiblilities for different bands of beads, and different colours of yarn. It would look marvelous in a laceweight anything, including the very very fine Skacel merino lace.
The rest of the day was spent working on the Edmonton Knitters KAL Mystery shawl. It's looking marvelous in its cherry red-black goodness. I'm on to clue 5. I am current. This is good.
Clue 5 is only 2 repeats, and is going to go quickly. I can feel it. Clue 6 arrives next weekend IIRC, so I have plenty of time to be completely ready for the final clue when it comes.
The proposal is submitted, and I'm ready to knit class sample 2 of which there will be at least 1 more, and maybe two, just to get the kinks out of the classroom samples, and to see if I can knit what I expect others to knit. I am in really good shape when it comes to knitting that must be done.
With the weekend coming, it being a not working weekend, I'll have plenty of time to knit, and not knit, and play and oh so many things. I'm really honestly truly in the mood for finishing. There is the little fair isle baby sweater to finish, and socks of all kinds and then its is back to the long resting projects. And I am looking forward to those.
Soon it will be time to say goodbye to the summer of shawls. Its time to get back to Mr. Needles colourwork vest so it can be finished before the cool weather sets in. (I know, its only mid summer and here I am thinking about fall). In the vests time of rest, so many good things have happened. Under the influence of Meg Swansens marvelous book, I might change some of the colourwork, but I can move ahead with a lot more ease and clarity. With the class proposal under my belt, I know how I am going to finish the shoulders, and I am confident in my approach.
My fingers are ready and waiting, and I can't wait to be working with that solid and sound wool again.
1 comment:
Can you let me know the next time there is a local mystery KAL?
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