Friday 23 May 2008

Severe Case of SpinOlution-itis

Someone had to hold her feet to the floor. If I had not been there, who knows what would have happened!

My friend, ThatLoganchik took delivery her first spinning wheel, which explains why I am green with envy. Those of you who know her, know that she is a masterful spindle spinner. And spindle collector extraordinaire.

Ms Chik was the person who helped me learn to spin decently by teaching me the fine art of drafting. Sitting, waiting with her was the least I could do. Officially my role was to keep a record of the events.

And then my camera battery died. The spares also were dead. But I am pleased as punch to say that spinning happened.

Now let me tell you about the machine. It is a SpinOlution, a new product out of the US. the wheel is the Mach 1. You absolutely must check out this link and play the video to see how very unique this wheel is. It comes almost completely assembled. All you have to do is place a small spring, and screw the tension knob in place. The wheel is supremely quiet, so much so that the maker has included a part for beginners that makes a clicking sound so you can learn to time your feet to the spin of the wheel. It has no orifice for the yarn to pass through and with its generous sized bobbins, you can make anything from the finest spun silk to heavy yarn suitable for horse reins.

This is not a wheel for traveling. Its hefty, but its solidity is part of its charm. It is made completely of birch plywood. Every surface from front to wheel edges a thing of stunning beauty.

I am thrilled for ThatLoganChik, but I am very, very jealous, so jealous, that I have to go mow the green with envy patch.

but after that, I'll dream about wheels and wonderful yarn.

1 comment:

knittingdragonflies said...

I am interested in buying one of these, Does she like it?
Great blog