Tuesday 3 September 2024

The Bad, the Good and the Gosh Darn Wonderful.

I hate when this happens.

I am calling it a day on the Anyday Sweater.

Yup.  I am ripping it all back.  It hurts a lot to say that, but I am never going to wear it as it is.  I picked the wrong size.  It is too wide and the neckline is ginormous.  It is just not what I was looking for.  It is always a bit of a heartbreak to lose all the time and energy you work into a project.  I felt more than gloomy when I faced it on Saturday.  

The only uplifting thing is that it can be taken apart and rewound into yarn cakes and made into what I want from this very nice yarn.

But not today.  Today I am going to work on Linger from Knitty.com.  I tried it on yesterday too, and it fits perfectly.  I am going to focus on what is right and what is hopeful and good.  

It's a lovely cool morning.  The front and back doors are both open and the air is flowing through the house.  It is fresh and clean and is oh so very good.  Out across the ball parks, the fields are turned golden and ripe and almost ready for harvest.  In the evenings as the daylight fades, I can hear the geese and ducks call as they gather to fatten up for their fall migrations.  

It is sweater weather my favourite time of year.

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