Monday 30 September 2024

Real Autumn

There was some really great knitting on Friday.  I finished sleeve 1.

It took a long time because this sleeve had a lot of stitches.  I had to do a fairly rapid series of decreases to get it to the right diameter for the cuff.  Indeed, I did a series of decreases in the ribbing.  But it fits perfectly.

And then I took a day away from it.  

It was a chilly weekend so I made time to work on my socks.  

Sock one is done, but it looks like it is going to be too long.  And yet...  I will try it on later this morning before I start sock 2.

I started work on sleeve 2 Sunday morning.  

I could have knit more but it was time for sleep.  I hope it will be finished today.  If I can get it done, I am going to wear it tomorrow and that is exciting.

I have also been thinking about my lovely Linger sweater.  I'm going to need that before too long. I have some cats to make (remember that from spring?) and as ever more things I want to knit. The days are getting shorter and darker and I need some cozy warm things.

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