Monday 11 September 2023

Knitting Dreams

I know that I just cast on a pretty vibrant new thing.

 I know that I want to finish and wear some of the things that I am currently working on.

I know that I really want to work on and finish and wear a project I have dreamed about knitting for a long time.

And so many more things in the WIPs bin that are waiting to be worked on. I want them all.

So with all these lovely things in my WIPs bin, why do I keep obsessing about new things I want to knit?  Because I am a knitter.  That is why.  

I spent the weekend working on almost nothing.  I did a wee bit on my almost a Sun Dog sweater (the middle photo).  It is really starting to look like a sweater. All these tiny bits of knitting on it do add up.  

What I did spend a lot of time on was looking at stitch pattern books.  I have so many lovely pattern books and occasionally when I can't knit, I wander through them and dream of knitting this pattern or that pattern and which of my many yarns I will use to make them.  This weekend I pulled out the Japanese pattern books and just dreamed.  A thousand tiny doors to the many ways of putting together the movements of hands and needles and yarn. A simple basic sweater shape and any of the hundreds of patterns?  Yes.  I want to knit them all. Doing this is kind of a mistake if you are trying to be a monogamous knitter so you can have finished things.

And then I spent time going through the sweaters I have favourited on Ravelry.  I don't even have to describe that.  My favourites list is a whole box of unfulfilled wants.  There are so many beautiful inspiring, wonderful patterns just waiting for me to knit them.  Going through your Favourites list is a mistake if you are trying to be a monogamous knitter.  

My thumb is not quite ready for me to get back to long lovely hours of knitting just yet but it is doing a lot better.   It's a good thing that today I have lots of household chores to catch up on to keep me busy.  It's a good thing that I have some long underwear and some tights waiting to be cut out in my sewing room.  Maybe I will stop dreaming and wishing for all the things I am not knitting.  

You just never know.  I might just give in to my dreams and desires and cast on something new.  I'd be okay with that too.   

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