Monday 21 August 2023

A Finished Thing and a New Cast On.

Since I last posted, I finished a thing.  Well, substantial completion at least.  

The knitting is done.  Buttonholes need work to finish.  Ends need to be woven in.  Buttons need to be attached and the whole thing needs to be steam blocked.  So it still needs finish finishing, but I am calling it done.  It fits nicely and it feels...yummy.  I may be in love with the feel of very fine quality mohair against my skin.

Instead of finish finishing, I allowed myself to cast on a new thing.  It was cold this weekend and I very much wanted to be warm.  I pulled out the last sweater quantity yarn from the yarns from my Epic Adventure to points east.  At least I think it is the last sweater quantity.  

I was  thinking it was Heritage from Brigg's & Little but when I pulled it out, it was Atlantic.  It is a bit heavier than I remembered but it is going to be oh so nice and warm.  Heritage is a two ply while Atlantic is a good three ply.  Though it isn't quite what I was planning, it is what I need.   I started a sweater but it will actually be a coat.

I hope to make a nice wide collar for it.  I was knitting something similar from Macauslands yarn but dyelot and colour problems ended that project.  The original plan for this yarn was a colourwork garment like the Ram's Horn Cardigan but I just don't feel like colourwork at the moment.  And I still do need a jacket.  This time there won't be any problem with yarn quantity.  I have seven skeins of white, three of dark grey, and two each of medium and light grey.  Lots of yarn.  

I am going to follow a simple stripe sequence for the colour changes and the collar and cuffs will be mostly white with some rows of the greys mixed in, if I leave myself enough of the grey to do that.

This is a heavy yarn, not quite what my hands were hoping for after the summer of blanket knitting.  I expect there will be another cast on today, though I am not quite sure what.  My lovely stash has so many choices.  

See?  Lucky.  Blessed.

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