Wednesday 12 July 2023

One More to Go. For Now.

And done.  I finished up the big Granny Square blanket using the remainders of the Bernat Blanket yarn for Owen or Emmett.  I have to finish another before I dare to visit again.  The boys are waiting and hoping I will have theirs ready very soon. 

The ends remain to be woven in but that won't take long.  While I was working on this blanket, Cassie was playing with the very few ends of yarn that there were.

She started playing around with finger knitting and was interested in making a blanket for herself.  We watched a video on youtube where the maker was finger knitting of a sort, but honestly, it was complicated looking and would have been a process where you could not have folded up the work and taken it with you.  Cassie asked me about crochet and I showed her a basic single crochet.  It took a bit to find her way but after a row or so, she looks up at me and said, 'I think I have got it, Grandma' and then did a couple more stitches and said, 'this is fun!"  She was surprised and has dreams of a blanket to show mom and dad.  

It was ten o'clock and she was pleading with me to let her keep going, but it really was bedtime.  She certainly was bitten by the bug yesterday and we shall see what happens today.  We are going shopping for more yarn for the third little blanket and she is going to get some more for herself too.  There may be another knitter/maker in the family yet.   

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