Sunday 5 February 2023

What else I did.

This has been a long weekend somehow or other.  And while I would have much rather been knitting, I did something that was kind of fun too.  I was setting a puzzle.  

A couple years ago, I bought two puzzles for myself for Christmas.  I thought it would be something to do when I couldn't knit.  I am really glad I had them here to do this last couple days.  

I thought about sewing but I needed a break from that too.  I want to keep the shirts and pants turning out well, and not trying to rush is critical for me.  I can do it well, but I am just not naturally fussy.  If I go slow and do a bit each day, then it goes okay.  I have to stop the moment I think about rushing any single sewing task.  

Puzzles work nicely.  I did finish the one I had worked on for the last month, the very pretty general store picture.  Today I started another and did a good chunk of that one too.  Tomorrow is laundry day and I will cut out another something or other to sew.  It will likely be a shirt but you never know.  

In other news me wee brand new grandson is doing much better.  He had a case of the flu and he is still so tiny.  It was pretty rough on mom and dad and on wee Everett.  But he is better and is growing like a weed.  

I have a blanket to knit for him.  I have knit one for all his brothers but for Isaac, who came to be my grandson partly grown.  But I have a stash yarn in mind and I just need a design to knit.  Tomorrow will be fun.  Knitting soon.

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