Monday 6 February 2023

Mixed Bag of Things.

It was chilly in the house today.  Or rather, the house was its usual temperature, but I felt chilly.  I was wearing a thick wool vest and a turtleneck shirt and had socks and a scarf around my neck.  I was also wearing my wristwarmers and mittens over the top of those.  I was still chilly, so I put my lovely Shetland shawl on.  It wasn't enough.  

I asked Keith if I could borrow the toque that I knit him a few years ago.  He wears it when he is blowing snow and I thought it should be easy to find.  He couldn't find it so he brought me this.  

Yes.  That is what you see.  A Viking helmet with beard and mustache.  Keith said it is very warm and after experiencing it, I agree.  It made a difference.  It was a gift to him from Anthony and Olga and it was a hoot the year he got it for Christmas.  It comes out occasionally just for silliness.  This is that.  Silliness.  I am wearing it backwards though because that is how he plopped it on my head.  Keith then turned up the furnace a wee bit till I felt warmer.

I cut out fabric today and did the smallest bit of sewing.  It is going to be a second of the Muna and Brioad Waikere shirt pattern with short sleeves.  I love the casualness of this shirt and the ease of sewing it.  And comfortable.  It is quite perfect.

I also printed out a new pattern from my stable of cool things so I could make one to test it for fit. It is a Nullabor Cami.  It takes such a small bit of fabric that some of my leftovers and scraps could be turned into one of these.  I am looking for the perfect camisole to wear in summer under one of my lovely new summer shirts.  I am also considering this design to see if it could possibly be the basis for some new nightwear.  I have also seen the pattern as a black dress with an overdress in sheer vibrantly patterned chiffon.  It is that versatile of a design.

There will be sewing tomorrow and a little housekeeping.  I wish there could be knitting, but not yet.  I am keeping my head occupied by reading while I sew.  And while I set puzzles and did miniatures and so many other things.  I read 6 novels in January for my yearly NaJuReMoNoMo challenge read as many new to you novels as you can.  My favourite find was the Green Knowe stories.  I found a pack of the first three books on Audible and they were quite simply charming stories.  I read other stoires too, a Horowitz, a Penny, and a second Osman novel and loved them all, but towards the end, I was just feeling full of weightier books.  The Green Knowe books were the perfect end.  I am now reading another Daisy Dalrymple.  These are great cozy reads and there are quite a few available through Audible in their Plus program for members.  

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