Monday 25 October 2021

It just keeps going

A friend of mine, my oldest and first best friend, posted a thing that really struck home with me today.

"To all my female friends of "age''...
Most of us are going through it. We are at that age where we see the wrinkles, grey hair, extra pounds. We see the pretty 25 year olds and sigh. But, we were once 25, too, just like they will one day be our age. What they bring to the table with their youth and zest for life, we bring with our wisdom, experience and good hearts. For all we've been through earning each grey hair... raising kids, bills and ills and whatever else life brought us over our 60+ years, we are survivors... we are warriors... we are women. Like a classic car or fine wine. While our exterior may not be what it once was, it is traded for our spirit, our courage and our strength to enter this chapter of our lives with grace and pride for all we've been through and accomplished.
Never feel bad about aging. It is a privilege denied to many." Gail Medernach, lovely woman of a certain age.

And then she asked us to post a picture of ourselves and our age.  Many did.  it was lovely.  

I am not so sure that I have any grace at all and wisdom is only occasional, but I have a wonderful life and I treasure it.  My photo today, posted before coffee (proof of a lack of wisdom) , before even combing my hair.


And if I was a classic car, I would be like the beat up old farm truck, that keeps on going out to the field because, well, because that is what it does.

As I was sipping my coffee, just after this, I decided to put away a couple needles that were kicking around.  There were some dpns, some long circulars and some from various interchangeable sets.  As I was doing this, I decided to take a few photos of my needle case.  Goodness, it must be at least ten years old by now.  I would have to go through the blog to find out exactly when I made it but it has stood the test of time.

Fixed needles storage is freezer ziplocs with a strip of card stock down at the bottom where the holes are pucnched

Each size tip and all of the various lengths are in one pouch, with a few exceptions.  I don't have many needles above a 5 mm so all of the big ones are in one bag, and all of the small circulars are in another.  And anything below a 2.5 mm is in the bag of little ones.

I have a pack of accessories that divides fixed circs and interchangables.  The cables are in three smaller bags, small, medium and large lengths, and each size tips in another. 

A few weeks ago, I put all the dpns into this case too so it is nice and full.  When I look for something it is there and that is how I like it.  I still have to buy needles once in a blue moon, but when I do it is for something special, like lace where I really need a certain bamboo tip or if I am away from home and forgot the right needles for what I want to knit.

When I made this all those years ago, I never though it would work so well, or last so long.  I thought the closings would wear out.  I thought the holes would pull out of the bottoms.  I thought I would find it all just a bit too cumbersome, but it isn't.  It just keeps going.  

Like me.   

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