Thursday 13 May 2021

You never can tell.

Yesterday, after the zoom knitting (always a lovely thing to do) I spent some time, putting away some books that I had out in the morning. One of them was this book.  It is one of the prettiest things in my library.

I don't remember any more how I found it.  Possibly a cooking and craft type club but I just don't recall.  Possibly my favourite, and now sadly gone remaindered books place?  Anyway, it is a really lovely thing.  

Beautiful rorses.

Gladiolas, a rarity in stitching sources.  There should be more.  They are such lovely flowers.  My picture doesn't do them justice.  My stiching them might but that will probably not happen. Each of these is three feet tall and about a foot wide.  It is one of those once in a lifetime works.

Tiny Bilberries.  I found myself wondering once again wheat the difference between bilberries and blueberries was.  And now, because of the wonders of the internet, I have the answer to this small  question.

Rich purpled plums.  YUM  There is an apple basket pattern as well, and as nice as it is, it can't quite match these plums.  I want to eat these right off the page.

Part of me wants to stich every single one of these pictures.  They are so delicatley coloured and detailed.  I am pretty certain I won't do them all but one maybe?  Wouldn't that be lovely.  After volcanos perhaps.  You never can tell.

During my zoom yesterday, I worked on this top.  I cast this on in January.  Apparently.  It doesn't seem like that long ago, somehow.  I had it in my inspiration cabinet, and one day, when I was putting something away in there, it fell out.  It wanted to be heard, I guess.  

I took it out to work on yesterday, because this newly almost fashion concious me realized that it will work for one of my two planned fabric purchases from my wild night at the fabric store.  Best get to work on it.  When I started working on it after lunch, there was onlly the barest bit of two back shoulders joined and now, I am just refining the last few rows before I join at the under arms.  From there, it is just going to be a long casual tee shirt. with a nice easy fit.  If it is too boring near the hem, I could do some sort of lacy bit, but jeans inspired things shouldn't be lacy.  I will try to resist the urge. It will probably get sleeves, but only short almost cap sleeves.   

Working in cotton is such a pleasure for me.  I know that a lot of people don't enjoy it but bast fibres beat acrylics, hands down.  There is a smooth clean feel as it runs through my fingers.  I look forward to the wearing of it.  Cotton is such a lovely fibre and this worsted weight cotton is great for our variable summer weather.  A little heavier for mornings and after dark but breathable and great for all but the very very hottest days.  

I will work on this today and then I don't know.  There may be shawl knitting.  I am getting close to the second corner and I am looking forward to seeing if my semi carefully kept notes can help me repeat the corner well. And who knows.  Mr. Monkey may get a bit of work too.  You never can tell.

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