Wednesday 12 May 2021

Monkeying Around

I could have knit anything yesterday.  I thought about working on my shawl.  I think about finishing it so I can start the next big shawl out of splendid yarn, but that is not what my hands wanted.  They went some where else entirely.

For months, years I have been talking sock monkeys.  I have had all the parts for a good long while but it just didn't happen.  I thought seriously of abandoning the project and making a sweater for one of the kiddies with the yarns.    I didn't really have a pattern after all.  I had a booklet but it used Patons Classic Wool and that was much heavier than the Kroy yarn I bought for the project.  I couldn't let go of the monkey idea though, particularly when the sock monkey thing is so deep in my bones now.

Of all the yarns I am not working with right now that were freed from the bottom of the big box, it was the only one that stayed, sitting there, looking at me.  And then, magic happened and my hands grabbed it up and started knitting.

This is a test monkey.  This poor fella is going to end up with afterthough feet.  I forgot the start with the cream.  But, he really is a test to see how much yarn he uses and give me a chance to play with the scale I need to knit to.  It would be so much easier to simply knit to the patterns gauge and size but that would mean more yarn and I have this.  Besides, it is very much part of it for me that these are little monkeys.  Some of my grandkids are past the point of big stuffies, but everyone, even adults could fall for a wee stuffie particularly a sock monkey stuffie.

So tiny stuffies it is.  I'm gonna do some monkeying around.

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