Monday 10 May 2021

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, I sat down to cast on a blanket I had seen at knitting and very much admired.  I thirsted to make it.  I needed it badly to be mine.

This happened.

But that wasn't enough.  I enjoyed making it so much, that I did it again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

The first blanket was started in August of 2019.  Cassie and Marcus helped me shop for the yarn.  Cassie drove the cart and  Marcus was very interested in the store scooter I was using.   He was very interested in how the wheels turned underneath.

You know what the really weird thing is?  That for a lot of that time, I was also knitting on other things, finishing other things, sewing, embroidering, reading.  For all that I knit five blankets from then till now, and many other things, there is a tiny part of me, that feels like I didn't accomplish anything at all.  

I'm getting better at telling that part of me to shut up.  I'm feeling pretty darn good about all the things right now.

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