Monday 29 March 2021

Of Knitting, Embroidery and the Stuff of Spring Storms

There has been some knitting this weekend, but since it is blanket and ordinary sock knitting and since they look the same as last time you saw them, I am not going to worry about them much.  I would rather show you the really exciting happening with my little embroidery.
Picture and stitching side by side.

I have no idea if Marcus will like feel it looks like his drawing, but

I have tried to capture his ebullient colouring in my stitches.

My use of colour is different, but I would have run out of the original purple before finishing it all.  It just made sense to go from bright to dark, deep, rich purple.  Not perfect by any means but it will look great once it is mounted.

The next step is the red.  Now the red was really interesting.  I originally saw it as one large blob of red but there is a river of lava and under the red lava is yellow and peach and a bit or orange.  I have had this picture for a couple years now and this is the first time I really looked closely at it.  Far more complex than i thought at first.

There is also this very interesting bit of birlliance at the top of the volcano.  It's a wee bit of every colour under the sun.

A little bit of knitting, a little bit of embroidery.  Good things to look forward to in a day,

There is a fierce storm going on out there this morning, a good old fashioned blizzard.  I started rather gently after supper last night and is expected to continue for at least another 24 hours.  Points east of us here are going to get more snow than we have from it so far but here, the snow has been only a small part of it.  The wind.  Goodness, the wind.  It is wild and crazy nuts.  It feels  like a great day to put a pot of something warm and rich on the stove and have it simmer all day while I knit and do handwork.  Sipping cocoa must surely be mandatory on a day like today and a book probably should be part of it all.  I have just the book in mind too, They Call me George:  The Untold Story of Black Train Porters and the Birth of Modern Canada. It's a good day for anything that draws my mind away for the sound of the wind.  

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