Tuesday 16 March 2021

Cascades of Thought.

Keeping your eyes on the ball.  Sticking to it.  Finishing one thing at a time.

These all sound good.  These are all good.  If.  If and only if you do not have the kind of mind that keeps on turning behind the things you are doing and is, instead, focusing on the stuff ten steps ahead of where you are right now.  And that is when you are lucky.  If you're lucky, your brain is at least thinking about the job in your hands.

If you are not lucky, your mind is off busy thinking about something entirely different that you may or may not want to do, may or may not be planning for down the road somewhere, sometime in the future. That is where my head is right now.  Off and away somewhere else.

Volcanoes actually.  That is where my head is at.  

I have been working on a little embroidery project from a drawing Marcus did a few years ago for my fridge.  

The actual embroidery is about half done.  What remains to be doe is all the fill in stitching on the lava flows, the ash and smoke, and the colour lake at the bottom between the two paths.  I have the bubbles figured out.  Masses of french knots and other kinds of surface knots will be perfect to show the boiling mass of lava.  The rest has been slow because I have been trying to sort out how I will do the flow part of the lava.  Looking carefully at the drawing, he has distinct places where the lava is flowing one way or another and it is important to me to capture that.

I had a nice drawing from Carter too but lost it in a phone update.  I asked his mom if she could think of any other volcano drawings he did.  She said there was a point where he was obsessed with volcano shows and books and drawings and she went to get a book to show me some samples.

He really went to town on his lava!  The lava flows right into the grass and is coming towards you just like it would if you were standing there waiting for it.  The colours in his lava are fantastic.  He puts how lava is not really just one heat, like red hot, but also yellow hot and orange hot accrdoing to Carter.  You can also see how he has textured his mountain side to show rock ridges and places where water has run. The layers of inter connected, interwoven colours are going to be so much fun to do.

My brain has been really busy sorting through things to do these sweet volcanos to put up on my rail for photos and things above my tv.  I think I am going to do some serious time on these next.  

I'd like to finish the Drachenfels shawl just to get it done but then, I want to put in some serious time on these.  After that, I think there will be some very different stuff I think.  The embroidery for sure, to put all my thoughts down about the way I want the stitching to go before I forget my excellent thinking, but more.  

But that is all I am going to write about this morning, lest I start yet another cascade of thoughts and plans for the future.

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