Monday 15 March 2021

All Good Things

I have been poked and prodded and am now partially covid resistant and if I do catch it, it will not be nearly as bad and it probably will not kill me.  All good things.  I did have a bit of a fever on Saturday, ok, I felt bloody awful Saturday afternoon but I crawled back to bed and kind of revelled in the fact that even my feet were warm for a change with no wool on me or near me!  A little fever, but mostly tired and worth it in the grand scheme of things.  I am one of 58,000 Albertans who took this vaccine and darn pleased it was an option.

What I didn't do a lot of Friday or Saturday was knit. I was back up to snuff on Sunday and spent a great deal of time watching curling and knitting my heart out.  I did knit on the blanket for Keith but mostly, I knit on this pretty shawl.  

My variation on a Drachenfels.  The shawl is knit from one tip and increases along one side and does it's shaping decreases along the other.  When I started I assumed it would result in one of those asymetrical shawls, whcih I am not really a huge fan of, but I thought one in my aresenal wouldn't hurt. Only it isn't asymetrical at all.  The rate of increases and decreases results in a lovely very wide shallow perfectly symetrcal thing.  

And it is quite lovely.  

It is as wide as my open arms now, just a very slightly wider in fact,  and my second ball of black yarn is getting very small but the red ball has lots of knitting to come.  I still have a third ball of black and another ball of red so it is going to be a really nice wide shawl and the perfect depth for wrapping around your neck in winter with a nice warm coat.  I will be keeping about a third of the last ball of black to knit the final rows with and to do the icord bind off but the balance between the red solid on the end of the shawl and the black solid at the beginning of the shawl should be quite nice.

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