Tuesday 8 September 2020

A Lace Knitting Fairy Tale.

 Once upon a time, there was an enthusiastic knitter who got her yarn in the mail and just began to knit.  Unfortunately, she also forgot to move her pattern row marker, and she got lost in the big forest of the pattern.  Before you knew it she had rows combined and rows counting wrong and while it worked a few times, there was a point where nothing worked anymore.  The knitter had to stop and face the mess she had made and

pull back.  She wasn't sure just how far back she had to go but she knew whe had to go back to the absolute perfect place on her pattern map.  She was very very sad but ever so slowly she found her way.  There were many times around the square, pulling back her work but she kept tugging gently, one lonely stitch at a time.

Finally, in the middle of Sunday afternoon, with a fresh cup of hot black coffee at her side, she began to take cautious steps forward again, none too sure she could actually carry it off.  She knew she was going to have to be much more meticulous about moving her pink highlighter tape this time.  It would take diligence and care, and she knew diligence and care were not her natural state of knitting.  Her natural state of knitting was winging it, but she knew it was important to keep her wings firmly furled.   

The knitter knit late into the night.  She woke early to knit before sunrise.  She knit long all through the day.  And when she was almost done one full repeat of this pretty lace, she knew it was time to set the lace aside and go to sleep, having slayed her demons.  The End.

Or just the beginning.  Depends how you look at it all.  It is lovely and I am very happy.  I have only 1 row to go in the first full row repeat of the pattern which means just a tiny bit more knitting and I will be changing colours.  I am so looking forward to that.  Each repeat here will be about 2.5 to 3 inches blocked so with 4 more colours plus the cream coloured edging, this is going to be the very large shawl I hoped for.  

A couple things to note:  The dye lots may be different but the colours are close enough that you won't be able to tell and you can see from the base of the solid section of the pattern, just how much the lace will curve.  I think it is going to be quite striking!

So whatever else I do today, there will be knitting and I promise you I will be having a lot of fun.

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