Friday 15 November 2019

When Things started around the house this morning, my first wish was to knit the few rounds that were left on the sweater body.  It should have been quick and easy, right?  

Not.  I had a little lace problem.  The first repeat had a dropped yarn over.  Shouldn't be a difficult repair.  That's what I thought too.  I did it and then...

The next repeat had a dropped yarn over.  Or so it looked.  I tried dropping back and repairing it but it didn't work.  I did it again and it still was one stitch out.  I did it a third time and then tossed it in the corner.  Not literally, but I did put it down.  And had a coffee.  And made pancakes for breakfast.  And made lunch. 

In the end I dropped a third repeat and included those stitches in the repair and magically, the whole thing resolved itself.  And then I cast the whole darn thing off off.  

It was the happiest I have ever been to finish a sweater body.  I seriously thought about knitting a nice garter stitch edge around the sleeves and calling it a vest.  I have a skein of each colour of the three colors though and no way are they going back in the stash.  Since throwing yarn out is not an option, I must keep knitting.  

So slee

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