Thursday 28 November 2019

Goofy kids

My little Emmett was performing for Grandma today.  He is a sweet genial little stinker!  He took off to hide when it was nap time and had a very good time.  Grandma eventually caught him, fed him and put him down for a good nap.

He likes to explore everything.  Just before this he was stuck on top of the green box under the coffee table and was just starting to worry when grandma saved him, and dumped him out so he could beat a hasty retreat out of his predicament.

Sweet release.

He also likes to vacuum.  Mommy can never find the crevice tool but there it is, right where he put it,  in his toys so it is near to hand when it is his turn to vacuum.  It is also an excellent ball whacker.

He has shown that he is very good at tickling and really likes the old family tickle game we call krizel mizel.  We have no idea why it is called krizel mizel.  My dad, who invented it, said it must have been just made up words.  For made up words, it has enormous play power for little kids and all my grandchildren know it well. 

Not a bit of anything happened today except playing with kiddies.  I can always knit tomorrow.

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