Friday 20 September 2019

A little whining, a little wool

It's race weekend.  Dad's vest my experience a bit of a slow down.  The vest, with the careful counting it will need for a bit is not a good F1 race weekend project.  I will try to knit on it during the times when I am not watching the race stuff.  

I did knit on the vest yesterday while I was waiting for my large items to be done at the laundromat but I had forgotten the book at home.  I have to sit down and compare what I did to what I ought to have done.  I knit but I may end up ripping most of it back.  It seems to wide at the shoulder and dad is a small boned leanly muscled man.  I want it to be a little narrower there than most of the vests show on Ravelry.  Too wide in the shoulders and it won't be the trim sort of vest he always wears.   

Knitting will happen but it isn't going to be so much as I would usually do.  I 've got  crick in my hip that feels best if I keep moving about and if I sit very very straight on a hard chair.  The conundrum is I have to keep moving about which means sewing enough to get done a project isn't going to happen,  weaving a lot isn't going to happen, with not a lot of knitting getting done due to the constantly moving nature of this ache.  And that is all it is.  An ache that just needs to heal up a bit and go back to normal.  It leaves me feeling unsettled as well as feeling unaccomplished.

Wandering from here to there, sitting only for short spells means I am getting up and down, leaving browser windows open on the computer, clicking things and going places I don't usually go.   Some of these things and places are really interesting like yesterdays Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue.    Today's find is UllCentrum , a Swedish online store that actually has that rare thing, Z twisted yarns!  It is rare to find some place that has it.  

So there you have it.  One find for the day and that is it for me.  Honest, there will be photos soon.  I just need to actually accomplish something enough to take a photo of it.  At least when Marcus and Cassie or Carter, Isaac, and Emmett are here, there are fun things to show you instead of knitting.  

Just for fun, a little Marcus because he was here last and he is modelling his new Paw Patrol Eyepatch,  which is pretty cool according to him.  And a little dirt by his mouth because even when you wash his face, it is his natural state.

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