Saturday 12 May 2018

In Its Own Time

I have some things to do today and some things that have to get done before Tuesday.  One of them is to ply on my new wheel!

If there is one reason why I wanted a different Louet wheel than my Julia for a second wheel, it is this.

Significantly bigger bobbins.

You can see a healthy space at the end of the two bobbins and if you add in the two end caps on the Vic's bobbins, you know that these lovely large S51 bobbins will hold significantly more plyed yarn.  Or singles. 

The back whorls appear to be the same size on one end, but the larger of the two whorls on the S51 bobbin means that at least at one end, I can keep adding more yarn.  

I have treadled and it is wonderfully smooth and easy. This wheel may get used for much more than the plying I have planned for it.  I do want to give it a go plying the rest of the Big Big Ball singles first, but I already have plans to spin too.  I have a bag of grey Shetland that I think I am going to spin up and see how it manages a long draw.  Then I think I am going to take a bag of some dark green Corriedale and see how it manages  a short forward draw or whatever it was that I did before I discovered the long draw. If I take the time now to learn what this lovely thing is best at, its quirks, how it feels to work on and with, then I can get the best possible use from it.  

I did get a huge bag of carded alpaca fibre, a ginormous batt really, from the previous owner too, which was a lovely and unexpected bonus.  I am going to play with it on this wheel and see what happens.     

I set it up this morning to ply but wanted to have coffee before approaching it.  With coffee comes knitting, so I managed to take my Wee Pumpkins sweater a lot closer to completion.

Now that I started it, I think I am going to keep on working on this, so I can get it over for Emmett to wear.  Mom and dad both report he likes to be warm and snuggly.  One more sleeve, then some mittens and a little Aviatrix hat to go.

It is kind of adorable, isn't it?  Everything in its own time and a time for everything.  So long as there is time.

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