Wednesday 28 March 2018

Feeling much better.

My hand has been feeling better, so much better that I decided to try a little something.  

Spinning has also been affected by this injury, but I have still been meeting my spinning buddy to chat while she spins.  We have been talking fibre and sources and Ply magasine, so it still counts as spinning time.  

Yesterday, I decided to try my hand at knitting for a bit.  And I do really mean a bit of knitting.


See that letter l ?  It marks where I was on this section of the First Point of Libra Shawl.  I had 9 rows to knit to the pointy end of the section and every two rows, there was one less stitch.  I did it a little bit and then would set it down, spread over the course of two hours.  By keeping the stitch count low, and the demands on my hands low, it didn't ache or even feel the injured place.  There was a sense of tiredness after each of the longer rows, but even at the end, when I was down to 5 stitches, I set it down for a bit to rest.   And yeah, that 9 wee rows told me what I wanted to know.  That I might feel good, but the tendons aren't ready to knit or do significant work.  This time, I am hoping for complete healing even of the injury from last fall.  That was mostly good, but lingered in the background some days and would pop up on occasion. This time I want it all gone.

So however long that takes...

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