Friday 20 June 2014

I should have been knitting

With the biggest part of the work I can do at the house done, other than cleaning, that is, I have been home recovering these last two evenings.  It has been lovely.  I really thought I would take the opportunity to knit my lovely new yarn or finish my hat for my special young man, but I never quite make it there.

I've been dealing with some of the last remaining boxes in my big back room.  After a couple of days of sorting, the boxes under the daybed are filled.  One contains bedding for the daybed.  The other contains my sewing fabric.  

Well I hope it contains my sewing fabric.  All of it.  There are a couple boxes marked linens though.  I have no idea what they contain.  

There is also one marked Linen from Ukraine and I know exactly what is in that and I can't wait to get to it and find a way to use it!  I have lovely windows in my living room and dining area with some nice blinds but they feel a little bare.  I was thinking that if there is enough fabric, and if it is drapey enough once I mangle it to soften it, I would use one length as a narrow panel at either side of each window.  I might do a little embroidery.  We shall see.  It would look great if it worked and I would love that as a way to connect to a place I now hold really dear to my heart.

Just a few more boxes and the big back room is clear of boxes.  Just one closet away from being truly organized.  But that is another story. 

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